Tuesday, December 9, 2008

new work

hello everyone. my residency has come to an end. enclosed is a selection of work, accompanied by my artist statement, made in direct response to my experiences in cholul. none of this work is able to be shipped home because of u.s import regulations...maybe it is possible with a broker when i get home, but it is not hopeful. this work is experimental and this experience has been mind opening for the way that i approach my process within my work. i am really looking forward to getting into the studio when i return home. again, i would like to warn any one who would not like to see images surrounding the slaughter process that they may not want to proceed.
all my best to you and love for the new year approaching us.

and into my skin
cow hide, photos, foamcore

cow ears, nylon

pig skin, nylon, metal wire

pig skin, nylon cord, metal wire

pig skin with nipple, nylon cord
3" x 3" x 2 1/2"

Living animals are killed in mass everyday in order to nourish our bodies. The association between the meat that is going into our mouths and the necessary slaughter procedure is a disturbing one to make. This process is kept hidden form our generation in most western cultures. Accessibility into the small slaughter community of Cholul provided opportunity to witness the experience of the animal and its manipulated transition from life to death. This body of work investigates my philosophical and emotional struggle between my reverence for the life of the animals whom provide us nourishment and my dismay at the fear and pain they experience before the moment of death.

ceramic work
28" x 20" x 17"

ceramic, resin
24" x 23" x 16"