Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Dressed Meat" Interactive Installation at the Kansas City Artists Coalition

Kansas City Artist Coalition

“Dressed meat” is made entirely of salt-cured, stitched cow stomach. You are invited to enter inside of this cow stomach…trading places with the normal orientation of the cow inside of ours. It is an exploration that attempts to close the gap between our own existence with that of an animals…specifically animals that are ingested and become a part of our physical make-up.

Detail of stomach exterior

Detail of interior stomach texture
Interior view with light coming through the flesh

Interaction with interior

Dressed Meat in progress

The stomach's are sold as tripe, frozen in 50 lb boxes

Over 5 days they thawed, were salted and hung to dry

Once they were finished sweating, they were stitched together in panel's

Markie helping me with the frame work that each panel was sewn to

Brandy and Fiona sewing the cow stomach onto the door frame-work

Installing in the underground gallery at KCAC